55 E Jordan St.
Brevard, NC 28712
Sunday Service
10:30 AM

Get Involved
Every member of the body plays a valuable part in the whole.What God gifted and equipped you for in the church or outside its walls?
Check out our ministries and consider where you might plug in.
Visit one of our community groups and find people to do life with.
Our Ministries
We believe that every member plays a role in God's redeeming work in the church and in the world. We would love for you to learn more about our ministries and consider where you might get plugged in!
Arts Team
We believe that art is one of the most powerful gifts the Lord has given us, allowing us to experience a microcosm of His very heart. And when we create art in any of its forms, we are behaving in one of the most godly ways possible. And so we want to engage and share art in its many forms at Grace Brevard simply because it is beautiful and reflects the heart of God. Contact: Steve Simon stevesimonlive@gmail.com
Children's Team
Our Children’s Ministry cares for our families with kids 7 and under through Sunday Morning classes during the sermon to help children experience the Gospel. We are growing quickly and need to add more opportunities for these kids. Opportunities for helping: Help in the classroom; setup/cleanup; teach a class (once a month); hold a baby. Contact: Chris Godley chris@gracebrevardchurch.org
Missions Team
Our Missions Team coordinates the ways we serve locally and globally. We currently have 4 local and 5 global partners we officially connect with, but there are many more that we serve as needs arise Opportunities for helping: There are countless ways to join in on this ministry, from helping sort clothes at Sharing House to staying overnight at the Cove Shelter (housing for those in need)...and many many other things in between. Contact: Cary Hitchcock hitchca0913@gmail.com
Worship Team
Our desire is to take the gifts of musicianship and song which God has given the body and faithfully steward them in our collective worship of Him. Our liturgy of songs, prayers, and creeds––drawn from the Word of God––creates a space of ongoing formation where the Spirit is invited to bring the Gospel to bear on our hearts as we praise, confess, and surrender to the name of Jesus. Contact: Chris Godley chris@gracebrevardchurch.org
Cafe Team
We deeply value “front door” hospitality, making everybody who walks through our doors feel valued. We serve good coffee and pastries every week just like we would do if it were our own home. We also like to have 2 people intentionally welcoming people, especially new-comers. Opportunities for helping: Help prepare the coffee and pastries; welcome people as they come in, helping them find what they need, whether that be information on children’s ministry or how to connect with us. Contact: Lynne Emory dlynneemory@gmail.com
Finance Team
This team helps create our annual budget and then regularly monitors our finances so that we are wise stewards of what the Lord provides. Opportunities for helping: This is a small team reserved for members of Grace Brevard that meets monthly under the umbrella of our elders. Contact: Mark Emory markleeemory@gmail.com
Prayer Team
Prayer is the heart of our church. This team guides our body in prayer for one another, our town and the world through our weekly prayer-times (Wednesdays at 11:30) as well as coordinated prayer throughout the week. Opportunities for helping: Join us at our Prayer time; become a prayer-partner where you receive the prayer requests as they come in. Contact: Leslie Libby lesliealibby@gmail.com
Care Team
Our Care Team leads up the numerous ways we give special care for people in need within Grace Brevard. Opportunities for helping: Meals, home repairs, babysitting, giving rides to appointments, simply sitting with people who need comfort and another person around. Contact: Jean Lydon jean.lydon@live.com
Gospel Growth Team
The Gospel Growth Team is responsible for the content and structure of our faith-development ministries. They collaboratively decide on curriculum as well as the style and system for how that content is taught. Opportunities for helping: In addition to being a member of this team, there are occasional needs like setting up and preparing for classes. Contact: Chris Godley chris@gracebrevardchurch.org
Tech Team
Our tech team runs all the A/V for Sundays and special occasions, including the sound system, slides, livestream and beyond. This team will also begin work with our online presence. Opportunities for helping: Sound, video, slides etc,. Mostly Sunday mornings. Some tech experience is helpful, but there is ample training available for any who wants to try out this ministry. Contact: Matt Queen matthewqueenavp@gmail.com
Community Groups
Community groups are a key aspect of our church community. Some meet in homes, some meet at the building. Some share a meal together. We try to keep them limited to about 12 people. Take a look at the details of each group. Reach out to the leaders if you have questions or direct general questions to info@gracebrevardchurch.org.